Module TextFormatter

Stand alone text formatter object.

Remembers the options you set and can be adjusted as needed


setType (typeToSet) Set's the formatting type whether it's for cecho, decho, or hecho
setWrap (shouldWrap) Sets whether or not we should do word wrapping.
setWidth (width) Sets the width we should format for
setCap (cap) Sets the cap for the formatter
setCapColor (capColor) Sets the color for the format cap
setSpacerColor (spacerColor) Sets the color for spacing character
setTextColor (textColor) Sets the color for formatted text
setSpacer (spacer) Sets the spacing character to use.
setAlignment (alignment) Set the alignment to format for
setInside (spacerInside) Set whether the the spacer should go inside the the cap or outside of it
setMirror (shouldMirror) Set whether we should mirror/reverse the caps.
format (str) Format a string based on the stored options
new (options) Creates and returns a new TextFormatter.


setType (typeToSet)
Set's the formatting type whether it's for cecho, decho, or hecho


  • typeToSet string What type of formatter is this? Valid options are { 'd', 'dec', 'decimal', 'h', 'hex', 'hexidecimal', 'c', 'color', 'colour', 'col', 'name'}
setWrap (shouldWrap)
Sets whether or not we should do word wrapping.


  • shouldWrap boolean should we do wordwrapping?
setWidth (width)
Sets the width we should format for


  • width number the width we should format for
setCap (cap)
Sets the cap for the formatter


  • cap string the string to use for capping the formatted string.
setCapColor (capColor)
Sets the color for the format cap


  • capColor string Color which can be formatted via Geyser.Color.parse()
setSpacerColor (spacerColor)
Sets the color for spacing character


  • spacerColor string Color which can be formatted via Geyser.Color.parse()
setTextColor (textColor)
Sets the color for formatted text


  • textColor string Color which can be formatted via Geyser.Color.parse()
setSpacer (spacer)
Sets the spacing character to use. Should be a single character


  • spacer string the character to use for spacing
setAlignment (alignment)
Set the alignment to format for


  • alignment string How to align the formatted string. Valid options are 'left', 'right', or 'center'
setInside (spacerInside)
Set whether the the spacer should go inside the the cap or outside of it


  • spacerInside boolean
setMirror (shouldMirror)
Set whether we should mirror/reverse the caps. IE << becomes >> if set to true


  • shouldMirror boolean
format (str)
Format a string based on the stored options


  • str string The string to format
new (options)
Creates and returns a new TextFormatter. For valid options, please see


  • options table the options for the text formatter to use when running format()
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2020-06-14 21:39:03