Module SortBox

An H/VBox alternative which can be set to either vertical or horizontal, and will autosort the windows


organize () Calling this will cause the SortBox to reposition/resize everything
enableTimer () Starts the SortBox sorting and organizing itself on a timer
disableTimer () Stops the SortBox from sorting and organizing itself on a timer
setSortInterval (sortInterval) Sets the sortInterval, or amount of time in milliseconds between auto sorting on a timer if timerSort is true
enableSort () Enables sorting when items are added/removed, or if timerSort is true, every sortInterval milliseconds
disableSort () Disables sorting when items are added or removed
setBoxType (boxType) Set whether the SortBox acts as a VBox or HBox.
setSortFunction (functionName) Sets the type of sorting in use by this SortBox.
new (options[, container]) Creates a new SortBox


organize ()
Calling this will cause the SortBox to reposition/resize everything
enableTimer ()
Starts the SortBox sorting and organizing itself on a timer
disableTimer ()
Stops the SortBox from sorting and organizing itself on a timer
setSortInterval (sortInterval)
Sets the sortInterval, or amount of time in milliseconds between auto sorting on a timer if timerSort is true


  • sortInterval number time in milliseconds between auto sorting if timerSort is true
enableSort ()
Enables sorting when items are added/removed, or if timerSort is true, every sortInterval milliseconds
disableSort ()
Disables sorting when items are added or removed
setBoxType (boxType)
Set whether the SortBox acts as a VBox or HBox.


  • boxType string If you pass 'h' or 'horizontal' it will act like an HBox. Anything else it will act like a VBox.


    mySortBox:setBoxType("v") -- behave like a VBox
    mySortBox:setBoxType("h") -- behave like an HBox
    mySortBox:setBoxType("beeblebrox") -- why?! Why would you do this? It'll behave like a VBox
setSortFunction (functionName)
Sets the type of sorting in use by this SortBox.
If an item in the box does not have the appropriate property or function, then 999999999 is used for sorting except as otherwise noted.
If an invalid option is given, then existing H/VBox behaviour is maintained, just like if autoSort is false.


  • functionName string what type of sorting should we use? See table below for valid options and their descriptions.
    sort type description
    gaugeValue sort gauges based on how full the gauge is, from less full to more
    reverseGaugeValue sort gauges based on how full the gauge is, from more full to less
    timeLeft sort TimerGauges based on the total time left in the gauge, from less time to more
    reverseTimeLeft sort TimerGauges based on the total time left in the gauge, from more time to less
    name sort any item (and mixed types) by name, alphabetically.
    reverseName sort any item (and mixed types) by name, reverse alphabetically.
    message sorts Labels based on their echoed message, alphabetically. If not a label, the empty string will be used
    reverseMessage sorts Labels based on their echoed message, reverse alphabetically. If not a label, the empty string will be used


new (options[, container])
Creates a new SortBox


  • options table the options to use for the SortBox. See table below for added options
  • container the container to add the SortBox into

    Table of new options
    option name description default
    autoSort should the SortBox perform function based sorting? If false, will behave like a normal H/VBox true
    timerSort should the SortBox automatically perform sorting on a timer? true
    sortInterval how frequently should we sort on a timer if timerSort is true, in milliseconds 500
    boxType Should we stack like an HBox or VBox? use 'h' for hbox and 'v' for vbox v
    sortFunction how should we sort the items in the SortBox? see setSortFunction for valid options gaugeValue


    mySortBox = SortBox:new({
      name = "mySortBox",
      x = 400,
      y = 100,
      height = 150,
      width = 300,
      sortFunction = "timeLeft"
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2020-06-14 21:39:03